Reach your Next Level
through personalized
and professional coaching
with Kurt!
Executive CFO Coaching That Gets Results contact me

Who is Executive CFO Coaching for?

Every CFO, Director of Finance, VP of Finance or similar position that is facing challenges and believes there is a better path to reach your Next Level.

How can this be expedited?

Hire an Executive Coach!

In a successful partnership with a qualified Executive Coach, you will experience:
– CONFIDENTIALITY – private discussions in a safe space
– PARTNERSHIP – access to a strategic dependable trustworthy confidant
– ENERGY – get refocused and energized
– ACCOUNTABILITY – from a Growth Partner to track and drive progress
– GOAL ACHIEVEMENT – achievement of goals faster with your Plan of Success
– SKILL ATTAINMENT – to utilize in all aspects and ambitions of life
– COMMUNICATION – scheduled discussions with unlimited electronic communications support
– HONESTY – candid feedback from an experienced C-Level Professional and Business Peer

Tight deadlines.  Board materials. Financing.  Cash Flow.  COVID-19.  High expectations.  Lack of control.  Daily pressures.  Few to talk to.  When does it end?

I feel your pain.  As a C-Level executive for over 2 decades, I’ve lived through all of those.  I’ve experienced firsthand what works and what doesn’t.  Let’s combine forces to implement personal strategies to get you to your Next Level.

By partnering, we can mitigate the areas that cause you this pain.  It doesn’t have to be this hard.

“Kurt’s coaching toolbox contained extensive exercises and routes that uncovered many strengths that I was not utilizing. It also addressed some concerns that were limiting my career and personal progress. I always believed that it was difficult to separate my professional life from my personal life. Working with Kurt showed me how to do this and thrive in both sides.”


Senior Vice President of Finance

“After a few months of coaching with Kurt, my entire attitude about myself and my career has shifted 180 degrees. The techniques that he uses leads his clients to dig deep into the personal side of what occurs in the business world. His coaching experience and style develop strong self-awareness and internal mental and emotional capacity. This enables me to make these life and career improving actions on my own instead of forcing decisions upon me.”


Vice President of Finance

“Kurt provided invaluable career and technical coaching. His ability to connect both on a professional and personal level, combined with years of diverse industry experience were a driving force in my develop. With his guidance, I found a balance and path to success in reaching my Next Level.”


Vice President of Finance