5 R’s – Build Trust within Your Teams

build trust
Trust is derived mostly by your actions in your relationships with the people in your firm, especially within your department. To be a high-level Leader, here are five R’s to consider in order to solidify and build trust in your relationships:
1. Role Model: we’ve all heard it – a person whose behavior, example or success is looked up upon and positively emulated by others. This term is credited to sociologist Robert K. Merton, who hypothesized that individuals compare themselves with reference groups of people who occupy the social role to which the individual aspires. While this all-encompassing consummate example includes such traits as knowledge, experience, etc., it can be simply defined by your actions that others see on a consistent daily basis.
2. Respect: the most basic common denominator of any relationship is a high amount of dignity and regard for the other person. The more interlocked we are with someone, the more opportunity we have to show them our worst. This is especially true given work stress, deadlines, and the current pandemic.
3. Reveal: say what you mean and mean what you say. People very quickly pick up when others say things that are not true. Basic candor can go a long way in Leadership. When listening to others where there is doubt involved, humans tend to adjust behavior patterns accordingly. This results in learning not to trust the other person in order to not be let down repeatedly.
4. Regularity: establish a regular communication pattern that people can look to without doubt. Unfortunately, when communication stops or is erratic, people assume the worst. Remove this from the equation.
5. Rejuvenation: often overlooked, but so important to Leaders – especially in the corporate setting. All three main traits – mental, emotional, and physical – nest within each other. Renewal, even if it consists of a midday 10-minute walk, is the key to maintaining high energy and focus.
By applying the R’s into your specific situation, this will assist you in building a strong base of Leadership for your teams.

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