
(Credit to John Maxwell via Minute with Maxwell 3/4/22) “Max Dupree, famed businessman and writer, says the first responsibility of a Leader is to define Reality. What I tell people is that if they really want to achieve a great dream and a great cause, the first thing they must achieve is Reality. Reality is the foundation for your dream.…

Fire the Head of the Success Prevention Department – Your Most Important Termination Ever!

There is someone out there that does not want you to succeed.  That person lives within you and today is the day that we terminate that person.  Forever. He/she works for you.  We call this person the Head of the Success Prevention Department for You, Inc.  They try to keep your life stagnant, predictable, unsuccessful, and awake throughout the night. …

Is Your Multitasking Having a Negative Effect on Your Productivity (“the Grey Zone”)?

Most of us – most of the time – mix different activities that we are doing and never completely focus in one specific area.  We take pride in the fact that we can read and answer our outstanding 27 emails during a Zoom call without really letting others know that we’ve haven’t really heard what they said. Ever heard someone…