
(Credit to John Maxwell via Minute with Maxwell 3/4/22)

“Max Dupree, famed businessman and writer, says the first responsibility of a Leader is to define Reality.

What I tell people is that if they really want to achieve a great dream and a great cause, the first thing they must achieve is Reality.

Reality is the foundation for your dream.

The better your bigger the foundation the higher you can go.

So many people don’t appreciate what Reality can do for them and what Reality will bring to them.

You cannot go to where you want to go until you really know where you are.

And we do not do ourselves a favor or our team a favor by fooling ourselves and denying what is truly Real.

So, the next time you look to do something big, ask yourself, “What type of foundation of Reality do I really have?”

If you face Reality on the front end, you have the possibility of building something big on the back end.

But people who kid themselves, fool themselves and never face themselves never build anything big. It just keeps crumbling on them. Why? Because they did not build their dream upon Reality.

So, start with the foundation and see how high you can go.”

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