What is Executive Coaching?

Coaching has the distinction of being one of the most powerful interactions for making important positive change in life and business.  Successful coaching occurs best when a coach asks open and explorative questions, and at the same time engages in deep listening to the answers given in order to facilitate the client forward from where they currently are to where they intend to be.

In the world of professional relationships, nothing comes close to coaching.  Why is that?  This is because the coaching relationship is a designed alliance in which the coach and the client become active collaborators and stakeholders in the single pursuit of meeting the client’s intended outcomes.

In the confidential environment of a Client-Coach relationship, it consists of 4 main elements:

  • The Client – This is a professional who is seeking and willing to produce positive change and eliminate limiting boundaries. The client should also want to set themselves free from the self-limiting belief “prison”, break shackles that contend with great performance and learn to facilitate long-term growth within their own control.
  • The Coach – This is a qualified and trained professional solely dedicated to defining and achieving the client’s goals. Often more committed to those goals than the client is, the coach is entirely focused on the client and holds the client accountable for his/her actions towards the SMART goals that have been set.  The coach is insatiably curious about what the client is and what the client wants to be, and is devoted to driving towards that result.
  • The Relationship – Depicts the space between the Client and the Coach that have come together to achieve a particular agenda. It is a platform based on trust and to a particular end. It is absolute in holding a mirror in a safe and non-threatening environment to expedite growth. Power is granted to the Coaching relationship and the Client – not the Coach.
  • The Agenda– This shows the blueprint that needs complete focus in other to attain growth on the part of the client. It is more or less a personal GPS system to guide the client in the pursuit of outstanding results.

Coaches are not in the business of “fixing” clients. Their function entails standing beside the client and empowering the client in such a way that the client is directed to the answers they have been looking for. Patience and courage are also required assets in the process; the coach is expected to be the expert in the process, while the client is expected to be the expert in their professional and personal life. When clients find their own answers, they become more satisfied and self-sufficient towards their long-term success.

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