Facing Your Fears – Breaking through Mental Barriers

A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me.  I’m afraid of widths.” – Comedian Steven Wright

We all have fears – personal and professional.  Often, they are intertwined.  Only in certain instances are they beneficial.

Fears can hold you back in Life.  It is a brick wall with a peep hole teasing a glimpse “what can be” on the other side.  A permanent blinder keeping us from our potential.

Inaction is a decision here, friends.

Fear of Failure.  Fear of Success.  Fear of <insert Fear here>.  Fear can prevent you from achieving success, and it is only by facing them head on that you will have the chance of becoming as successful as possible.

This needs to happen for you to reach your Next Level.

How do we move forward?

Here are five basic steps that I teach to deal with and overcome this dreaded emotion:

  1. Admit and acknowledge that this Fear exists – know they Enemy. Denial is a powerful force but makes it more stressful by putting it off.  Educate yourself on exactly what you are afraid of.  Take ownership.
  2. Think positive and shut down negative thoughts – start off this process with positivity. Write down the positive results that will come from this change.  Seek encouragement from those you trust.  Remember – you have ultimate control.
  3. Create your Action Plan – build a Fear Hierarchy. Address each step with action items.  This is a series of sprints – not a marathon.  Note the benefit of each step and why you are doing it.  Envision how you will feel once you have succeeded in each step.
  4. Implement your Action Plan – take your time and push slowly but firmly. Allow yourself time to work through it.  Build upon each step towards your Next Level.
  5. Celebrate your Victories – Transformation occurs when we are at the edge of our comfort zone. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done as you progress.

I once read where FEAR can stand for one of two things: Forget Everything And Run…. or Face Everything And Rise.  The choice is yours!


Caveat: Fear is normal.  There are differing levels of fear and some may require a mental health professional for which this blog does not apply.  Please do so in a healthy manner that helps you move past your fear.

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