Is Your Multitasking Having a Negative Effect on Your Productivity (“the Grey Zone”)?

Most of us – most of the time – mix different activities that we are doing and never completely focus in one specific area.  We take pride in the fact that we can read and answer our outstanding 27 emails during a Zoom call without really letting others know that we’ve haven’t really heard what they said.

Ever heard someone say, “I am the BEST multitasker!” or “I couldn’t get anything done without multitasking!”?

The problem here is that we are never fully present in each individual activity that we engage in during our corporate world of multitasking.

This robs us of concentration application and productivity.

We end up doing poorly in both – we are never “clean” in our activity focus.

We can no longer enjoy a pure experience anymore.  Multitasking can be a waste of time if not performed correctly.

I call this the “Grey Zone”.

Where are you living in the Grey Zone – where are you mixing up these parallel processing problems?

Do your subordinates know that you are not fully engaged, thus you lose their respect at some level?  If you are continually multitasking while on calls, why are you on the call in the first place?

Here are “Three C” solutions to erase the Grey Zone – do this with intention and focus to properly address the issue at hand:

  1. Clear Focus – fight the urge to turn your attention from the issue at hand – tune in and focus on one thing in the moment – this will result in a higher and more quality interaction.
  2. Clean Cut – stop thinking about the previous or future subject – completely move forward.
  3. Change Channels – move from one type of activity to a completely different type of activity cleanly – back and forth between spending and rejuvenating isn’t productive nor healthy.

While we consider multitasking a necessary in today’s busy world, and often strength of ours, it may be robbing us of greater solutions than if we addressed the issue with all our energy.


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