Key to Productive Habits – Be a Rocket!

Research tells us it typically takes 30 days to form a new habit. Apply this narrative from space travel, which requires early momentum (Escape Velocity) to get the rocket (Change) off the ground and moving in the right direction. 

Apply two valuable traits to your habit formation that rockets lack: Awareness and Will Power.

AWARENESS is when we remember that we are alive.  We are in charge of our actions.  The most powerful state that we can be in is AWARENESS.

WILL POWER is the rarest and most precious form of energy.  It can push us to overcome significant obstacles and achieve greatness.

Focus your Awareness and Will Power towards your goal to create the new routine that forms your new habit.  Your early goal is to reach Escape Velocity – this will carry you far towards recognizing your new habit.

When starting a new productive habit, we need to be aware of the forces and their timing that affect us:

Days 1 – 10: Defying Gravity Phase – Change says “No!” and will fight us to remain the same.  Recognize this is happening, acknowledge it and fight through the resistance.  Use your Will Power to create Escape Velocity to burst past this force that wants you to remain static.

Days 11 – 20: Resistance Phase – you don’t naturally feel like doing it yet.  Keep pushing through with the realization that you have momentum to accomplish what you started out to accomplish.

Days 21 – 30: Acclimation Phase – resistance is removed, and the habit starts to feel natural.  Recognize the benefits and transformation that you have achieved to continually achieve greater things.

A strong habit built through systematic change can lead to greater heights.  Recognizing the forces that will fight to bring you back to your initial state and how to address them is critical in reaching these new goals.



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