Mental Clutter: Completing the Incomplete.

Is your mind overloaded with your Get Done List where many items are perpetually carried forward into the next day?  Week?  Month? 

We must confront the things in our lives that are incomplete and burden us.  We need to get closure and free up time/energy. These are robbing us of critical emotional vitality. Typically, if we are hanging onto to items on our List, it includes emotional issues, both personal and professional. 

If we don’t address these issues, we typically go into Avoidance Mode.  We hope the problem goes away, but it does not solve itself.  It piles on top of our growing Get Done List and adds to our burden.

We must do what it takes to get completeness, which calls for action.  Bite the bullet, cliché’ wise.

Use the 3 A’s to address your List and move forward:

  1. Address – simply write down all the issues that at are burdening your thoughts. Be honest and complete.
  2. Attack – take aggressive action on an individual item basis. Decide what works best for you – whether you want the larger or smaller issues first.  Regardless, be aggressive and relentless to get the issues concluded.
  3. Achieve – your goal is to either (1) Conclude the issue and wrap it in a red bow or (2) Understand that you have no control over the situation. Once completed – release it to the Universe – with the understanding that you have done all you could to the best of your ability to address the situation.  Free you mind from this specific issue and move forward.

Take immediate action using these 3 steps.  Checking an item off your List can be empowering and emotionally uplifting.




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