Taking Responsibility

“Responsible?  Who wants to be responsible?  Whenever something bad happens, it’s always, who’s responsible for this?”      – Jerry Seinfeld


When Leaders talk about “Taking Responsibility” it is typically holding people accountable for less-than-optimal results.  This is not true leadership.

Unfortunately, many people confuse “Responsibility” with “Blame”, “Wrong” or “Bad”.

Responsibility is not only owning the outcome, but also owning the decision and activity for the path taken that reached that outcome.

One of the most powerful components of being a Leader is the personal part.  There are few things larger for a person to have somebody believe in them unconditionally.  This is true professionally and personally, and remains true regardless if you are leading a business, sports team, family, etc.

Three major items get in the way of people taking responsibility:

  1. They can’t see the connection that their own actions caused their own problem
  2. They are so overwhelmed with guilt and shame that they cover it up
  3. They just simply refuse to step up and be accountable

Great Leaders build trust through integrity, transparency and honesty.  One caveat here – in a successful outcome, it is just as important to defer the credit and recognize those team members “responsible” for the decisions, actions and the successful outcome.  This is one side of Responsibility that we all desire!

Here are 3 quick action items to help you take Responsibility and boost your game:

  1. Stop blaming others – easily the most important step in this process. Let’s be real – Life can be tough.  Even with the unfortunate occasions where we get blindsided and it is someone else’s fault – where does the Blame Game get us?  Ask yourself, “What was my role in this?”
  2. Don’t take it personally – refuse to assume that it is a personal attack, judgment, etc. It is about the issue, not about you.  Ask yourself, “Is this about me or really about the issue?”
  3. Live Intentionally – you control your thoughts, actions and reactions. You control much of your destiny.  Ask yourself, “Is this part of the path that I want to take in my life?”

Taking these steps will free you from additional pain and suffering.  It will also catapult you towards addressing the situation in the proper manner as you Lead.

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